Sunday, October 30, 2016

"Original" Jews?

There are a community of people who claim to the "original" also claim the Jesus was "originally black". And the Santa Claus too was originally black.

Jesus was an invention of the white Roman empire. Jesus existed as multiple persons that the Roman military collaged together into a single person, and then Josephus their minister of propaganda helped them invent the gospel.

There is a black community of pagan-jesus believing people, ASHAMED of their own heritage, clamouring and BRAGGING to hijack the persecution of my ancestors' have suffered thro the millennia. Reinventing history, science, inventing conspiracy theories how liberal atheist archaeologists were controlled by Jews to tell a lie about the origins of black people.

They are not the same as the Ethiopian Jews who have actual proofs of their Jewish ancestry, but yet they unashamedly also want to hijack the heritage of Ethiopian Jews.

SO ASHAMED of their own heritage that they decided to borrow that of Jews. And then dare to claim that we and our ancestors are "fake" Jews?

For those of you who have censored my posts high-lighting this robbery of my ancestors' grave, do you hate Jews so much that this is a chance for you to surreptitiously destroy the existence of Jews without getting caught? You secretly hate Jews and wish we never existed, hopeful for a universal final solution where Jews are not chosen, and this black Hebrew thingy is your chance. And here  I am giving proofs destroying your "peaceful solution" to your hatred for Jews.

This assault on the existence of my people are getting more and more devious and sophisticated ever since Haman sought ways to eradicate Jews. You can't stand the thought that Jews are chosen.

My ancestors having been murdered, tortured, put in gas chambers, mutilated, chased from corner to corners of the world, persecuted - and now these people suddenly appear and want to claim those misadventures my ancestors suffered???? F#ck you!

You are robbing the graves of my ancestors, robbing their memory their persecution - you lazy bumbs. Get your own memory, you lazy bumbs.

WHERE is your ARAMAIC literature. We have an unbroken tradition of Aramaic literature since the time of Ezra 2400 years ago.

WHERE is your Aramaic tradition to prove that your ancestors had been exiled to Aramaic speaking lands. WHERE?????

So What that my ancestors have intermarried and been contaminated with Iranian, Arabic, Indian, European, Chinese, Khazarian DNA? SO WHAT?

All you have is brandishing a reinvented pseudo-Hebrew using Latin characters. You can't even read the Bible in Hebrew. The original language of your Bible is ENGLISH of a speare-shaking English Sheikh. Your Bible is a deliberate mistranslation that includes pagan myths and beings not found in the original Hebrew.

Your jesus god was invented by white europeans born out of the harlotry of Greek and Persian mythologies. I'm sure you are afraid of reading my questioning of your Jesus, but here they are .... Your religion can't even translate the Psalm 23 properly, what about the whole Bible???

Jews are the chosen people because the human race is the chosen race.