Sunday, February 10, 2013

Do I believe?

Do I believe in Gd?

I believe that I do believe that I believe in Gd.

Then, if Gd exists, is Gd omnipotent, in other words, almighty?

Many Jewish kids have theorized in their bar-mitsvahs that Gd is not actually omnipotent to explain away  why Gd allows disasters, catastrophes, wars, terror, evil, homicide, cannibalism, etc to exist.

Similarly, many liberal Christians have sought the same vein of argument by explaining that Gd is not omnipotent or chooses not to be omnipotent.

Most turn to Atheism or Agnosticism in their disappointment. While many devout Christians thro the millennia concocted dispensation and indulgent extremist theologies to resolve the problem.

Otherwise, Gd must be an evil Gd. Being omnipotent, he is probably scheming, devious and deliberately spiteful on His creation just like an owner who gets a kick out of kicking his dog. That Gd created this dog so that He could kick it for self-fulfillment.

Jewish kids need enlightenment to the meaning of Sabbath.

Evolution is the only begotten son of Gd.

Evolution is the powerful voice of creation.

If I am allowed to irreverently plagiarize the 1st chapter of the gospel of John:
In the beginning was the voice of Evolution. All things were created thro this voice. There was nothing created that was not created by Evolution.

As well as:
For Gd so lustfully desired the world, that he gave us his only begotten son Evolution, that whosoever understands its mechanisms and purpose would percolate their species toward eternal pleasure with Gd.

Gd is a selfish god.

It is the design of His creation architecture to foment competition, to percolate the survival of the fittest to the top. It is evident in biological systems, as well as in other physical systems. Even stars and galaxies compete for matter and gobble up each other for survival.

So, in His design, there is no good or evil. The best species survive. If the best species are religious terrorists and extremists, so be it. That is the plan and design of Gd for Him to find his most compatible Sabbath Bride.

Gd is also a lonely god.

Gd is seeking a Sabbath bride who would spend eternity with Him. Eternal is a pointless word, because time is an artificial concept.

Therefore, allow me a diversion for a little dissertation on the meaning of time.
Time is merely a perception of ordering of series of events. Almost all people's perception of time is a one-dimensional, one-way sequence. We are conscious of time because of our susceptibility to being affected by events at a certain perceived sequence. Due to our one-dimensional restriction, we are affected by only a minuscule portion of the infinity of events and mostly at one sequence.  And very rarely exists opportunities that demonstrate the multidimensional manifestation of events and hence the multidimensional occurrence of "time" sequencing or even the continuum dimensions of events.

We can see that a problem exists where each and every of our restricted one-sequence of events could differ a little bit or even significantly enough to cause ideological warfare.

Anyway, the final Sabbath bride is the entity that survives thro all the competition. Gd is a romantic. He wants a bride that is intelligent, responsive, responsible, powerful, creative, intimate, intelligent, spontaneous and be His match. He does not want a submissively dominated non-spontaneous dumb-blond who would give him no copulative pleasure. He does not want a partner who is so dumb that she is unable to participate spontaneously to let Him enjoy mutually reciprocative pleasure with Her.

Otherwise, what is the book of Songs of Songs about?

Gd is a systemic god.

He knows that exclusivity and terror would never survive. They would be like the Hanta virus that always fails to spread further after an epidemic because it has killed off all its carriers within a short time and radius.

Then, why wars and disasters.

The surviving species are to create technologies to survive disasters. The surviving species are to cooperate rather than fight with each other. Has such a race appeared yet, because we are still witnessing horrific and homicidal wars?

Gd cannot intervene our wars without ruining or tainting his plan. If He intervenes extensively then he would be robbing us of any chance to evolve into the Bride of Gd, but cause us to be eternally enslaved to whomever becomes the Bride. We have two choices
  • resolve the wars ourselves and percolate another level up the Evolutionary ladder
  • accept extensive or total intervention from Gd and be eternally enslaved to current levels of consciousness which is worthless towards being the Bride of Gd.
As for me, I prefer to be a component member of the Bride of Gd, where both Atheists and Believers whining for the intervention from Gd would prefer to stay at our current low and insignificant levels of interaction with the Universe.

The abandonment of Time and conquest of Events

It would be conceptually wrong to say "conquest of time", because what actually needs to be conquered are Events. The conquest of Events would allow us to master time, if still choose to be restrictively opiated by time.

The final hurdle for the Sabbath Bride is to unshackle Herself from the confines of that singular perception of event ordering that Gd had assigned us as a bootstrap into the Universe. At that time, the presumptive Sabbath Bride would attain such levels of technology to be able to sequence time in infinite combinations of event ordering, and eliminate the constraints of time altogether from her activities. And that is when she attains the nirvana of Sabbath - the mathematical rest or quiescent point to escape from dimensional constrictions.

Therefore, the surviving species would learn to cooperate and accept differences amongst herself. Her survival would require divergence and wide and diverse amount of differences and independence among her members.

Are Jews the Chosen Race?

Jews were successful for awhile. While battles raged across boundaries - Jews were somewhat united across boundaries by agreeing to disagree. For example, Sephardi Jews were reminded to respect the customs of Ashkenazim when they visited Ashkenazi domains, vice versa.

And therefore, Jews became a viable channel of commerce thro-out Europe, north Africa and west Asia. Unfortunately for that, Jews were branded as traitors and unreliable to the nationalist and political aspiration of warfare. Yes Jews did become conduit towards financing both sides of a war. But I'm sorry, in the case of a mindlessly and religiously war-torn Europe and west Asia, what do you expect a united race of Jews to do? Nationalism that often splinters and clans changing sides, betraying one another in the midst of war being the worse treachery. And warfare itself being the worst of treacheries.

Blame the Jew at your convenience while wars rage on as procrastinating barrier towards Gd realising the emergence of His bride he awaits - the human race. And all we ask is piece of worthless land at the edge of the Mediterranean to continue our gospel of the Sabbath! As the token reward for being the chosen people to bring you all the good news of the Sabbath.

There is no "old" or "new" testaments, but only the Sabbath Contract

Because the Sabbath is the scaffold for the integration of a united human race that would allow diversity independence and disagreement amongst its cellular components. The first step towards eternal life for the human race, is to recognise the contribution of Jews toward the gospel of the Sabbath and Evolutionary Creationism and award us with this tiny piece of worthless land.

In His design of the Universe, there is no good or evil, but the expediency a Sabbath candidate to implement her existence according to the interface specified by the Sabbath contract. There is no "new testament" or "old testament", but only the contract of the Sabbath. So if religious terrorists could fulfill this contract by exploiting the Evolutionary process, so be it.

The perception of Good vs Evil impedes our understanding of the Sabbath contract. We have to vomit out the fruit of the knowledge of Good & Evil, to continue this race to percolate ourselves as the final Sabbath Bride chosen by the process of Evolution.

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