Sunday, June 8, 2014

Psalm 8: the human race the chosen race

Psalm8 #5,6 [1], when translated properly says 
מה אנוש כי תזכרנו ובן אדם כי תפקדנו
Who is humankind that we are in Your mind
the son of adam that you empower us

ותחסרהו מעט מאלֹהים וכבוד והדר תעטרהו
You lessen him a little than G'd and glory and honour you adorn him.
The human collective, the whole human collective will be nearly like their Creator.

Jews are the chosen people to help the human race realized (real-ized) as the chosen race.

If you read the Bible from Genesis to Malakhi, there is not a single concept of hell (the hell of Christianity and Islam). I mean as long as you read the Bible in Hebrew,

But, in 1st century and then in 7th century, two religions decided to condemn the whole human race by inventing a concept of hell imported from Egyptian, Zoroastrian and eastern religions.

Even today, these two religions are Balaam who follow the instruction of their god Balak to curse the chosen race. When you curse the human race for refusing to bow down to your god, you are following in the ways of Balaam and his master Balak. They bow down to Beelzebub, and then they force Jews to bow down to their idols.


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