Sunday, January 4, 2015

The pagan story of Jesus

The story of Jesus was invented by the Roman illuminati. It was a collage of several actual characters. The story of Jesus was an attempt by the Roman military to unify the empire under a singular pagan religion as well as harness Jewish rebellious inspiration to topple Nero and the gradual efforts to remove the remnants of the Nero dynasty.

1. When you read the Bible in Hebrew, there is not a person with a personal name "satan", especially not in Job.

Even the KJV/NIV translated 5 instances of "satan" as "obstruction".

Even in Numbers 22, a faithful servant of the the LORD became "satan" to Balaam. But the KJV translated that instance of "satan" as "obstruct".

The KJV / NIV opportunistically cherry-picks other occurrences of the word "satan" to conjure a super-demon.

Every instance of the Hebrew word "satan" in the Bible either depicts a faithful servant of the LORD being an obstruction, or depicts a human person being a obstruction.

When you read the Bible in Hebrew there would be persons being "obstruction" but there is no superdemon called "satan".

The story of a superdemon leading the rebellion of 1/3 of the "angels" is a pagan mythology, and the believers of Jesus needed to include that pagan story.

2. When you read the Bible in Hebrew, there are no "angels". The believers of Jesus chose to continue the pagan concept of "angels" as "messengers of gods", rather than using the Hebrew word that means "worker". Even though the last book of the Bible in Hebrew Malakhi means "of the workers", these Christian translators deliberately chose to perpetuate the pagan term "angels".

3. When you read the Bible in Hebrew there is not a "hades", as found in the Christian appendices after the book of Malakhi.

Your religion chose to translate "she-ol" as hell, hades or grave. [שאול] means "unknown". She-ol is the passive verbal-noun/participle of [שאל] sha-al which means ask/question. Even king Saul's name is the same spelling [שאול] but inflected differently as "sha-ul", meaning "asked".

Hades is a pagan concept, not found at all between the books of Genesis to Malakhi. Your religion is a religion of pagans', inducting the threat of "hades" from the religions of Greeks, Rome and Persians.

4. The story of the visit of Jesus to hades is reminiscent of the story of Zeus the son of chief-god, visiting hades to destroy his enemies. How much more pagan can your religion get ???!!!

5. The Gehenna that your Jesus is so fond of recounting is Greek transliteration of the Hebrew G'Hinnom. G'Hinnom is the Hebrew contraction of gia hinnom [גיא הינום] valley of Hinnom, where people sacrificed their children to their gods, in hope of their children interceding on their behalf.

How much more pagan can your religion get in co-opting the child-sacrifices of g'hinnom? In truth, the Roman illuminati was a well-meaning fascists who were tired of the child-sacrifices going on in the empire and used the single super-pagan story of the intercessory god-child sacrifice to once and for all end the madness of child-sacrifices.

6. 150 years after the concoction of the story of Jesus and his disciples, the Roman illuminati found it time to cut the cords to Jewish scriptures and laws, and invented the person Paul. But then they could not go back in time to change the story to make Peter and James anoint Paul as an "apostle". Like any skillfully done patching of a prequel to make a movie sequel plausible, they concocted the story that Paul had an out-falling with Peter and James, so that Paul had to anoint himself the replacement apostle.

7. So between the books of Genesis to Malakhi, there is no "satan", no "angels", no hades, but your holy sacred pagan religion has all of them.

Your holy sacred pagan religion is the one the removed the sacrifices and desecrated the temple when the military forces of your religion destroyed Jerusalem, and then concocted a story of Jews killing your Jesus/Zeus so that Jews were hated in the whole Roman empire.

Your religion is an abomination. It is an abomination where half the time your religion is fixated on the paganistic threat of "hades" and "satan".

It is an abomination by deliberately including all the pagan elements that had been persecuting Jews since the time of Balak and Balaam, as an affront to and rejection of the biblical principles between the books of Genesis to Malakhi.

It is an abomination to eliminate Jews and our religion. It is an abomination to perpetuate hatred against Jews. It is an abomination pretending to support Jews but as a means to justify the replacement of Jews.

it is an abomination purporting that only 144K subservient choir-singing Jews are fit to live and the rest of us are to be thrown into the Zoroastrian lake of fire.

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