Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Pronouncing the Name of the G’d

Christians like to accuse Jews that we have forgotten how to pronounce the Name of G'd. They are trying to teach us - well, it is pronounced "yahweh". Or "jehovah".

But neither "yahweh" nor "jehovah" is the Name of Almighty, because "yahweh" or "jehovah" is merely syllablizing the four Hebrew characters.

The four Hebrew characters is the signature token of the infinite dimensional of the continuum of the Name of G'd. The Name of G’d is too infinitely multidimensional that no mere human is capable of pronouncing the Name of G'd.

It is not that humans should not or are incapable to pronounce the Name of G'd. In Hosea 2: 16, which the English Bibles would not translate, G'd says to humankind,

יהיה ביום ההוא It will be on that day
נאם יי declares the LORD
תקראי אישי you will call Me my husband-equal
ולא תקראי לי עוד בעלי and not call me anymore my husband-master

In Psalm 8, which English/Greek translations deliberate mistranslate, the original Hebrew says that G'd intends humankind to be nearly G'd Himself. Not just nearly like G'd, but nearly G'd.

The Bible, if read in the original Hebrew, requires humankind to play-god and be nearly G'd. To pronounce the Name of G'd, humankind has to play-god, be nearly G'd. It may take another 10 billion years, but humankind as a collective will one day achieve the ability to pronounce the Name of G'd in unison.

But neither "yahweh" nor "jehovah" is His Name. You Christians, learn from us Jews.

I must participate so that I contribute to His memories of humankind in tiny insignificant ways that would one day contribute towards total humankind's pronouncing the Name of G'd.
Who am I that G'd would bother to have memory of me, or even pay attention to me?

מה אנוש who/what is humankind
כי תזכרנו that we have your attention
ובן אדם and son of adam/man
כי תפקדנו that You empower us
ותחסרהו מעט You lessen him a little
מאלֹהים than/from G'd
וכבוד והדר and glory and honour
תעטרהו you have adorned him


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