Sunday, February 24, 2013

Relativistic & Recursive Omnipotence

Is Gd Omnipotent?

If He is, then can He create a stone heavier than He could lift? Paradoxically, if He can create a task heavier than He could handle, He would no longer be omnipotent, would He?

Can Gd create a task heavier than He could handle and still be omnipotent? Yes, He can. The Human Race is that stone.

The omnipotent attributes would flow spontaneously. A big object would spontaneously be big. An omnipotent entity would spontaneously create a situation larger than it could handle.

Therefore, the human race is the spontaneous consequence of Gd's omnipotence.

If Gd is omnipotent, could He create a situation that is faster than He could handle? But time is merely a sequencing of events. Therefore, asking this question is like asking, Can Gd place an object A underneath object B and say that object A is on top of object B.

Could Gd create an object which is on top of itself?

That is mere playing with words. In fact, Mathematics affords us to play with such game of words.

People puzzled by these paradoxical questions are not mathematically adept. Or they may already relativistically see the absence of paradox through Mathematics but in their enthusiasm to prove the paradox of existence of Gd, they hide their enlightenment. They would be real A-holes to do that (if relativistically speaking, there is any such as real or unreal).

For example, in a simplest illustration, in a tree graph, you could pick any node and make it the top node or the root node. The idea of who is heavier, faster, bigger is immediately relativistically demolished through the perspectives mathematical Topology provides.

Just as time is an artificial concept, so is the idea of relative power or mass, etc. Could Gd create a group of three persons and yet call this group more numerous than a group of four persons? Could Gd make 3 greater than 4?

These parametric paradoxes are relativistically analysable thro mathematical Topology.

We could also perceive that Gd is infinitely recursively omnipotent, where infinite and infinitesimal Calculus affords the idea of recursive continuum. Like the self-induction of the electron. Or self-induction of matter thro a field.

We are merely living in a parametric Universe, at least that is how we perceive our existence. We cannot have a cake and not eat it. We cannot ask parametric questions and then choose not to live in such a parametric Universe. Otherwise, we would be recursive parametric A-holes.
Parametric:when you play around with the numerical values of concepts.
A-holes who pull wool over people's eyes by messing around with parametric values to prove the non-existence of Gd.
A-holes:people who prescribe a set of parameters for others, without accepting the general validity the same parameters.

We could presume that relativistic/relational paradoxes do not exist until He decides (present/infinite tense to assert the artificiality of time) to plunge into creating the Universe. The Universe that He created would see Him as a paradox unless we see Gd more or less with Einstein's Spinozism. Spinoza's ideas could be translated into the modern perception of a parametric Universe.
Relativistic relations:the situation of having relative relationships with its neighbours.
Relativistic Spinozism does not dilute, but asserts the omnipotence of Gd.

Therefore, let us perceive Gd's omnipotence as manifested as infinite recursion. Which is why people who believe in a non-paradoxical omnipotent Gd would have to accept the spontaneous Evolution mechanism.
Evolution:Adaptive continuous/recursive improvement.
Self-sustaining Evolution.

But the omnipotence-purists favourite rubuttal is - but omnipotent Gd does not need improvement or improvement in his Creation. You, omnipotence-purists, bought the cake but refuse to eat it. You are not omnipotence-purists but omnipotence-radicalists. You preach about the fall of humankind and salvation by grace but refuse to accept continuous improvement? You so easily brush aside the concept of a man sleeping with his menstruating wife being an abomination but would not likewise brush aside your issues with gay-marriage. Hippopotami (plural for hippopotamus)!

Radicalism:Inventing restrictions where none exists or is necessary.

Perhaps, Gd hasn't actually created anything concrete. He merely had infinitely recursive thoughts about the Universe which brought us into ephemeral existence. And then his thoughts rested and spontaneous Evolution (aka spontaneous continuous improvement) took over. You can't fault Gd for mere infinitely recursive materialising thoughts - it is a privilege/capability of being omnipotent. Since time and space are mere sets of parametrics, being omnipotent would mean inadvertent omniscience and omnipresence. Inadvertent because, they are derivative concepts that we humans compulsive lay upon Gd.

And the human race is the stone so heavy that Gd could not lift within an iteration. Is Gd no longer omnipotent within the period of a single iteration? But the power of Gd is an infinite continuum of recursive iterations. There is no such thing as a single iteration. Recursive omnipotence existing in the neighbourhood where interval of recursion  zero. Time is merely an artificial concept. Spontaneous Evolution being the only begotten son of Gd, the right hand of creation, the primeval voice of creation, spontaneously spilling itself from the omnipotence of Gd. My cup runneth over.

Therefore, is Gd omnipotent? That depends on how you play around with the word "Omnipotent". Would you consider someone having complete control over time and space and every dimensional continuum known or unknown to us, to recursively rearrange or reinforce the spatial structure of the Universe, omnipotent.

You may play with words, and say well if Gd needs time to improve himself, he is not omnipotent. But time is merely an artificial experience of event sequencing, where we humans could individually only see our respective restricted one dimensional view.

That is why Jews do not pronounce the ultimate Name of Gd. Omnipotent is but a label. We should consider the infinite attributes of Gd's dominion over the infinite and infinitesimal continuum. Could anyone else do that? Christians accuse Jews of having forgotten how to pronounce the Name of Gd, because Christians like to pigeonhole and restrict Gd into verbal terms they could humanly understand. They believe Gd has to speak in verbal tones humans can understand. When you receive a set of signals on your equipment beyond the capability of your equipment to detect all of its presence, it is difficult to give that set of signals a verbal description. The Name of Gd cannot be verbally pronounced.

The human race and our tragic existence are the inevitable manifestation of Gd's selfish/self-inductive omnipotence. Like the selfish electron. Let us make good use of our personal tragedy of having existed spontaneously to the omnipotence of Gd by spontaneously not being a tragedy to ourselves. By having Gd, ourselves and our neighbours in a selfish but mutually beneficial equilibrium.

The spontaneous effects of Gd's omnipotence would cause the emergence of a Chosen race to be the Sabbath Bride. Whom will it be? Will it be the whole human race, or would it be an enlightened group whose spontaneous and peaceful coexistence leave the human race behind in the Evolution race? While the rest of us battle in word-play of the artificial concepts of time, work, faith, money, Capitalism or Socialism.

Evolution sans frontières.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Gd helps those who help themselves??

I think the maxim
Gd helps those who help themselves
is imprecise and misleading.

To a certain limited extent, that maxim is helpful in motivating people to be responsible. It is also a very individualistic maxim, giving someone the impression that his only focus should be his/her own individual self.

Rather, if we accept the premise of my argument about Evolution being the only begotten of Gd, we would come to an understanding that,
Gd would make exceptions and intervene to help, if such intervention does not negatively impact the Evolutionary progress of the human race toward becoming His Bride. He would intervene regardless for an individual or over groups of people.
Perhaps, Gd would enthusiastically intervene if an intervention becomes a catalyst to the Evolutionary progress of the human race.

But that is not true! Gd does not really intervene. The only interface between Gd and humankind is the Sabbath contract. Therefore, the only path of communication between Gd and humankind is the Sabbath. Which means fulfillment of the Sabbath contract is the only path of salvation for humankind and the Universe.

I am using the Hebrew meaning of Salvation, which has nothing to do with sending people to heaven or hell, but the plain simple meaning of intervening help. Early Christian theologians had conveniently retrofitted the Hebrew word for Salvation into their  pagan-derived concepts of purgatory, heaven and hell.

The Presence of Gd is already within the Sabbath. Intervention is a built-in feature of the Sabbath. The Sabbath itself is the intervention continuum. I use the word continuum because the Sabbath is not intervention on singular discrete basis. The Sabbath is a flow of Salvation, providing relief from any stress and conflicts emanating from evolutionary and other universal processes.

Even Christianity records (Mark 2:27) Jesus as having said,
The Sabbath is made for humankind and not humankind for the Sabbath.
The Sabbath is not an individual's Salvation. There is no such thing as the Salvation of an individual. The two opposing football teams cannot pray for Divine intervention to win the game.
All things do NOT work for the good of those who love Gd. All things work for the survival of the human race.
The Sabbath is the salvation of a family, a community, a nation, a planet and the Universe. Our individual contribution to the observance of Sabbath constitutes collectively to the Salvation of entities around us. One less observance is one less contribution to the collective Salvation of humankind. Worse, if such non-observance is geometrically-progressively infectious.

That is why Biblical laws recommend that Sabbath violators be put to death and be eliminated from the community because their activities/inactivities diminish the collective karma of the community, the contamination which then leaks to further communities and even to the rest of the Universe in minuscule measures.  Sabbath observant Jews in Brooklyn should be as worried of the effects on their Salvation due to non-observance of Sabbath in Shanghai as much as non-observance within their own community.

I do not mean the colloquial Hindu meaning of karma, but the Sanskrit meaning. I guess if John 14:6 is  translated into Amplified Bible equivalent in Sanskrit, it could be
I am the karma, the satya and the jiwa.
If you walked off a cliff, the karma is you would fall to your death. If you drove northwards on 7th Ave after exiting from I-70 tunnel, its karma would let you reach Times Square, unless you diverted off Broadway. However, you would need to consider more than one dimension of the karma of 7th Ave, because it is a south-bound way. The karma is you cannot drive northwards on 7th Ave, unless you walk. Not that you cannot, you should not.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Do I believe?

Do I believe in Gd?

I believe that I do believe that I believe in Gd.

Then, if Gd exists, is Gd omnipotent, in other words, almighty?

Many Jewish kids have theorized in their bar-mitsvahs that Gd is not actually omnipotent to explain away  why Gd allows disasters, catastrophes, wars, terror, evil, homicide, cannibalism, etc to exist.

Similarly, many liberal Christians have sought the same vein of argument by explaining that Gd is not omnipotent or chooses not to be omnipotent.

Most turn to Atheism or Agnosticism in their disappointment. While many devout Christians thro the millennia concocted dispensation and indulgent extremist theologies to resolve the problem.

Otherwise, Gd must be an evil Gd. Being omnipotent, he is probably scheming, devious and deliberately spiteful on His creation just like an owner who gets a kick out of kicking his dog. That Gd created this dog so that He could kick it for self-fulfillment.

Jewish kids need enlightenment to the meaning of Sabbath.

Evolution is the only begotten son of Gd.

Evolution is the powerful voice of creation.

If I am allowed to irreverently plagiarize the 1st chapter of the gospel of John:
In the beginning was the voice of Evolution. All things were created thro this voice. There was nothing created that was not created by Evolution.

As well as:
For Gd so lustfully desired the world, that he gave us his only begotten son Evolution, that whosoever understands its mechanisms and purpose would percolate their species toward eternal pleasure with Gd.

Gd is a selfish god.

It is the design of His creation architecture to foment competition, to percolate the survival of the fittest to the top. It is evident in biological systems, as well as in other physical systems. Even stars and galaxies compete for matter and gobble up each other for survival.

So, in His design, there is no good or evil. The best species survive. If the best species are religious terrorists and extremists, so be it. That is the plan and design of Gd for Him to find his most compatible Sabbath Bride.

Gd is also a lonely god.

Gd is seeking a Sabbath bride who would spend eternity with Him. Eternal is a pointless word, because time is an artificial concept.

Therefore, allow me a diversion for a little dissertation on the meaning of time.
Time is merely a perception of ordering of series of events. Almost all people's perception of time is a one-dimensional, one-way sequence. We are conscious of time because of our susceptibility to being affected by events at a certain perceived sequence. Due to our one-dimensional restriction, we are affected by only a minuscule portion of the infinity of events and mostly at one sequence.  And very rarely exists opportunities that demonstrate the multidimensional manifestation of events and hence the multidimensional occurrence of "time" sequencing or even the continuum dimensions of events.

We can see that a problem exists where each and every of our restricted one-sequence of events could differ a little bit or even significantly enough to cause ideological warfare.

Anyway, the final Sabbath bride is the entity that survives thro all the competition. Gd is a romantic. He wants a bride that is intelligent, responsive, responsible, powerful, creative, intimate, intelligent, spontaneous and be His match. He does not want a submissively dominated non-spontaneous dumb-blond who would give him no copulative pleasure. He does not want a partner who is so dumb that she is unable to participate spontaneously to let Him enjoy mutually reciprocative pleasure with Her.

Otherwise, what is the book of Songs of Songs about?

Gd is a systemic god.

He knows that exclusivity and terror would never survive. They would be like the Hanta virus that always fails to spread further after an epidemic because it has killed off all its carriers within a short time and radius.

Then, why wars and disasters.

The surviving species are to create technologies to survive disasters. The surviving species are to cooperate rather than fight with each other. Has such a race appeared yet, because we are still witnessing horrific and homicidal wars?

Gd cannot intervene our wars without ruining or tainting his plan. If He intervenes extensively then he would be robbing us of any chance to evolve into the Bride of Gd, but cause us to be eternally enslaved to whomever becomes the Bride. We have two choices
  • resolve the wars ourselves and percolate another level up the Evolutionary ladder
  • accept extensive or total intervention from Gd and be eternally enslaved to current levels of consciousness which is worthless towards being the Bride of Gd.
As for me, I prefer to be a component member of the Bride of Gd, where both Atheists and Believers whining for the intervention from Gd would prefer to stay at our current low and insignificant levels of interaction with the Universe.

The abandonment of Time and conquest of Events

It would be conceptually wrong to say "conquest of time", because what actually needs to be conquered are Events. The conquest of Events would allow us to master time, if still choose to be restrictively opiated by time.

The final hurdle for the Sabbath Bride is to unshackle Herself from the confines of that singular perception of event ordering that Gd had assigned us as a bootstrap into the Universe. At that time, the presumptive Sabbath Bride would attain such levels of technology to be able to sequence time in infinite combinations of event ordering, and eliminate the constraints of time altogether from her activities. And that is when she attains the nirvana of Sabbath - the mathematical rest or quiescent point to escape from dimensional constrictions.

Therefore, the surviving species would learn to cooperate and accept differences amongst herself. Her survival would require divergence and wide and diverse amount of differences and independence among her members.

Are Jews the Chosen Race?

Jews were successful for awhile. While battles raged across boundaries - Jews were somewhat united across boundaries by agreeing to disagree. For example, Sephardi Jews were reminded to respect the customs of Ashkenazim when they visited Ashkenazi domains, vice versa.

And therefore, Jews became a viable channel of commerce thro-out Europe, north Africa and west Asia. Unfortunately for that, Jews were branded as traitors and unreliable to the nationalist and political aspiration of warfare. Yes Jews did become conduit towards financing both sides of a war. But I'm sorry, in the case of a mindlessly and religiously war-torn Europe and west Asia, what do you expect a united race of Jews to do? Nationalism that often splinters and clans changing sides, betraying one another in the midst of war being the worse treachery. And warfare itself being the worst of treacheries.

Blame the Jew at your convenience while wars rage on as procrastinating barrier towards Gd realising the emergence of His bride he awaits - the human race. And all we ask is piece of worthless land at the edge of the Mediterranean to continue our gospel of the Sabbath! As the token reward for being the chosen people to bring you all the good news of the Sabbath.

There is no "old" or "new" testaments, but only the Sabbath Contract

Because the Sabbath is the scaffold for the integration of a united human race that would allow diversity independence and disagreement amongst its cellular components. The first step towards eternal life for the human race, is to recognise the contribution of Jews toward the gospel of the Sabbath and Evolutionary Creationism and award us with this tiny piece of worthless land.

In His design of the Universe, there is no good or evil, but the expediency a Sabbath candidate to implement her existence according to the interface specified by the Sabbath contract. There is no "new testament" or "old testament", but only the contract of the Sabbath. So if religious terrorists could fulfill this contract by exploiting the Evolutionary process, so be it.

The perception of Good vs Evil impedes our understanding of the Sabbath contract. We have to vomit out the fruit of the knowledge of Good & Evil, to continue this race to percolate ourselves as the final Sabbath Bride chosen by the process of Evolution.