Thursday, June 15, 2017

In Exodus Almighty commanded Jews to trample on the pagan blood of the lamb

I wrote this on quora:

The ram the most significant divine animal of pharoanic Egypt, was an iconic representation of Egyptian divinity. The sheep and ram were so sacred that some Egyptians had abstained from eating them and considered unclean act to eat them.
Imagine being a discriminated community in India, where cows are sacred. Imagine in your march for independence from India, your community chose an unblemished calf and offered it to your god. And then every household would slaughter either a calf, a cow or a bull and SPLATTER its blood all over door posts and its blood soaked into the door sill. That would be a declaration of war of your caste against the rest of India.
That was what Pesakh/Passover was about. It was a declaration of independence by Jews against the royalty and divinity of pharoanic Egypt by daring to slaughter and splatter the blood of Egyptian symbol of royalty and divinity all over the door posts. Your English translations say “sprinkle”. It was not a sprinkle, it was a huge horrible mess of splatter. And they would step on the blood of the lamb with disrespect on their doorways.
It was not a “sacrifice”. The Hebrew word used is {עולה} = {uplifting in presentation}. This was the confession of the slaughter of the unblemished lambs in the book of Exodus.
See Almighty Allah, I have slaughtered this pagan symbol. See, I am abandoning any pagan culture I have learned in our 200 - 250 year sojourn in Egypt and 400 years of Egyptian influence. 
When the agent of Almighty would see this act of defiance, he would pass-over that household.
If any of you anti-semites wish to accuse Jews of trampling on the blood of your lamb god, it is true that we have been commanded by Almighty to trample on the blood of the lamb when our ancestors were commanded to leave Egypt. Let it overflow the door sill, so that we could disrespectfully trample on the bloody symbol of divinity of Egypt.
The desecration of the lamb, sheep or ram was compulsion against the likes and tendencies of Rachel smuggling idols, back into the promised land. It was a ritual in propaganda to promote clean break from Egyptian paganism.
Let’s see how many of these idols they have smuggled into their religion. Their religion which brags of making a clean break, but didn’t. Balaam still ultimately succumbed to inventing stories that became the excuse to persecute, maim and murder the tribes that had desecrated the pagan god. Regardless that they had sung praises to those tribes.
Holy blood of the lamb that was “sacrificed”, my foot. This is a Trumpism to the tune of Saddam Hussein’s minister of information. Redefining this defeat and this act of defiance and desecration against your god, into a divine “sacrificial” event.
Your religion needed to redeem itself from this ancient defeat of your pagan god of Egypt.
What better way to resurrect your god from that defeat than to entice the victors to bow down to your defeated god? And that is why your religion appends a set of pagan scriptures after Malakhi, declaring it a “new” testament that you declare Jews must adhere to. That is why you have Christian Bibles which you sell on Amazon as “Orthodox Jewish Bible”. So much effort put into the deception.
Kronos father-god had lost control of his creation. So, son-god Zeus had to descend to hades to defeat his enemies to atone for the failure of his father-god.
A father-god so incompetent as to have defined laws that would condemn humanity to eternal damnation, needing his son to be “sacrificed” into hades to atone for his failure.

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Africa willingly allow themselves to be enslaved

What is Portuguese Man-of-War, pmow? It is a jellyfish.

More precisely, it is a functioning single organism from a composite of multiple jellyfish. (To be obsessively precise, they are not called jellyfish).

Those of you who say, Sheesh Evolution is a "mere theory": then you should ditch your cell phones, stop entering keys into that computer right now. Don't ride on an elevator or airplane or city bus. Don't drive your car. Etc, etc. Because their design and construction were "mere theories" of quantum mechanics and electromagnetic waves.

Natives of Africa, Papua and certain other regions had evolved differently than the majority of Europe and Asia.

Southern and central Africa had evolved as pack hunters. A pack of hunters function as a single organism. An echoing shrill of a member, the throwing of spears by a couple, the flanking movement of another - they are all coordinated without speech thro nuanced and tacit communication. Like as though they are a single personality.

That is why black people are adept at team sports. But black people have been enslaved and robbed by Europeans and Asians right to this day. Any you are aware of it. You even enthusiastically participate in your enslavement.

Technology and science are bursting at the seams of human capacity. Today, more and more people are disadvantaged as gradually less people are capable of comprehending huge amount of knowledge required to execute a task. Today, unusual people like me excel, who are high-functioning autistic. We don't have a life other than our enthusiasm to absorb information. But the time is approaching when even we will no longer have the capacity to contain the ever expanding radius of a functional-granule of information.

The time will come when the existence of humankind will depend on the conjoined intellectual capacity of the hunter pack. That containing a functional-granule of information is spread out over the members of the pack.

There is no such thing as The Singularity. It is a cockedup (aka masochistic) horror fantasy dreamt up by bored closet-numerologists using formal language to justify their occult fantasies. Human packs will take command of extreme advanced technological connectivities and super-intelligent devices. Just as teams of humans today pore over an excel spreadsheet, or an extremely complex cluster of IC design tools. Do we say that those IC design tools are taking over the brains of humans???

Black people ENTHUSIASTICALLY participate in their own enslavement today.

European and Asian culture and religion have ripped apart the pack-mentality fabric, ripped apart the effective mode of functioning of Africans. Each of you are like a jellyfish ripped out of a PMOW, and told to "Go excel on your own."

You need to redevelop your attitudes and strategies of what it means to be a professional, what it means to be honest, what it means to be "saved". You need to reinvent and remanufacture the meaning of "salvation" and "faith".

One of the features of European and Asian religions, the concept of "personal salvation", enslaves Africans by ripping apart the structure of human-functioning of Africans.

You need to remanufacture your translations of the Bible in ways that suit your Evolutionary legacy. You need to remanufacture your own brand of Christianity, Islam, Buddhism. Revive and retrofit your ancient religions. Reject the idea of "personal salvation" and "original sin" found in those religions.

Do you know how much grammatical exception to the Hebrew, that Europeans and Asians have concocted to make the KJV possible? Biblical Hebrew is a simple primitive language but Europeans have manufactured a European-oriented set of grammars retrofitted into biblical Hebrew to concoct a Gospel message which liberates them but which enslaves you. If they can manufacture a bible translation suited to their Evolutionary legacy, why can't you.

If Asians could write disgusting Hadiths that override the Quran - you can reject all those Hadiths (except the Qudsi Hadith) and rewrite a fresh bunch of Hadiths suited to your Evolutionary legacy. Why not? Heck, you could even rewrite the Quran as a new testament.

BTW, do you know in biblical Hebrew, the same word {חטא} is used for "sin" and "consecration"? Two opposing contexts translated from the same Hebrew word of the same conjugation??? That is how SCAMMED you have been. (

Why are you so willingly allowing yourselves to be enslaved by religions and cultures that are disgusting to your Evolutionary legacy? That is why you have dictators after dictators, because being torn asunder, you are trying to reconcile your duty to concepts of "personal salvation" and "original sin" which have destroyed the structure of African humanism.

Look, at the movie The Lion King. It is a retrofit of European/Asian individualistic messianic theology onto the Shamanistic legacy of Africa. The religious and cultural regime of Asia and Europe encourages children to aspire to be a selfish and messianic achiever. To be a superhero. To be a messiah.

There is no room for such messy-anical mentality in the Evolutionary legacy of blacks, for you to function effectively. Ditch that mentality. Reject the the ideologies of personal salvation and original sin. Destroy and reinvent your current perceptions of faith - it was concocted just 400 years ago anyway, and nowhere close to what it meant 2500 years ago.

Resuscitate, reinstate and reinvigorate your cultural legacies - so that one day black people will be at the forefront of a new technological frontier where your hunting packs are sent forth to hunt and digest knowledge as a single organism.