Wednesday, November 19, 2014

The responsibility of humankind to play-god.

There is no such thing as "miracles". Because if you hope that miracles happen everyday, and then miracles become the norm, and then what is previously non-miracles would become rarity, and the such rarity would become "miraculous". Then what is the point for the Creator defining the laws of the Universe???

The Bible in both Hebrew and Greek uses the word "signs", translated as "miracles".

When Psalm 8 is read in Hebrew, it expects humans to play-god. Psalms 8 expects humans to be a little less than G'd Himself.

Hosea 2:16 when read in the original Hebrew, says that G'd expects the human race to be His equal, not his subservient.

The Bible expects the human race to play-god.

Miracles are a sin. A statistical sin. In both Hebrew and Greek, the word translated in "sin" in English actually means deviation from a target or threshold.

The laziness of humanity is causing millions of individuals having to depend on the sin of miracles.

G'd is an intelligent-system engineer. An intelligent-system engineer would expose her intelligent machine-system she helped develop to contradictions, conflicts and simulated failures - to force the machine intelligence to evolve, to force the multiple conflicting processes to achieve convergence in cooperation in order to achieve divergence in creativity. That is why G'd subjects us to wars. diseases, conflicts and catastrophes.

G'd will not provide us eternal life that He promised us. He expects us to develop the technology to fulfill His promise. He will not provide us with salvation He promised. He expects us to fulfill it ourselves. G'd will not actuate the resurrection of the dead He had promised. He expects us to develop the ability to resurrect the dead ourselves.

Israel is a land flowing with milk and honey only when Jews work to make the land flowing with milk and honey.

Within the next 8 - 10 billion years he has provided the Universe, He expects us the human collective to achieve being nearly like Him. Hosea 2:16 says, He expects His wife to be His equal, not His subservient.

How are you going to contribute to humankind's responsibility to play-god?

When we the human race play-god, we decide if homosexuality is right or wrong. G'd does not care. G'd the intelligent-system engineer, cares that we live up to His expectations to play-god.

When you contribute to humankind's playing-god responsibility, will you be a hypocrite to define abortion as murder, but ignore the global warming caused by your consumerism that is killing millions of unborn babies. Will we accuse G'd of causing global warming or the HIV virus and therefore excuse ourselves from mitigating their effects.

Will you contribute in earnest to the responsibility demanded by the Bible to play-god.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

The field of gods

We have to admit and concede to the logic of atheists rather than struggle and wallow in the mud of obfuscated and illogical arguments.
In quantum electronics, the flow of an absence of an electron in a field of electrons is equivalent to the presence of an electron flowing in the opposite direction.

The flow of the absence of G'd in a field of gods is equivalent to presence of G'd in the opposite direction.

But that does not mean we can prove the presence of G'd, because first you have to detect the field of the gods. And that is through personal experience and meditation. The belief in G'd cannot be objectively transferred from person to person.

One of the least acknowledged "phenomenon" in the Bible is
- there is not a single verse or command in the Bible exhorting us to worship G'd.
- there are a few verses that forbid us from bowing down to other gods.
- Not a single verse, especially not even in the holiest of holy the Torah !!!

When I say "the Bible", I would normally mean from Genesis to Malakhi.

It is obvious from such a biblical phenomena, that G'd does not require anyone to have found Him. One should seek the LORD, without forcing others to do the same.

The genius of G'd is not in creating a Universe wherein He is found.

The genius of G'd is in creating a Universe wherein he is not found.

The genius of an engineer is in creating a machine intelligence wherein her intervention is infrequent or unnecessary.

The purpose of human existence is to play-god. When Psalm 8 is translated properly, it says that the human collective is meant to be nearly G'd:
מה אנוש who/what is humankind
כי תזכרנו that You think about us
ובן אדם and son of adam/man
כי תפקדנו that You empower us
ותחסרהו מעט You lessen him a little
מאלֹהים than G'd
וכבוד והדר and glory and honour
תעטרהו you have adorned him

Many god-believing and god-fearing people refuse to accept the raw language of this verse and have deliberately mistranslated it.

We the human collective are the field of gods.

There is no such thing as "personal salvation". Salvation is a collective effort, to create a field through which G'd would flow through.

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Psalm 8: the human race the chosen race

Psalm8 #5,6 [1], when translated properly says 
מה אנוש כי תזכרנו ובן אדם כי תפקדנו
Who is humankind that we are in Your mind
the son of adam that you empower us

ותחסרהו מעט מאלֹהים וכבוד והדר תעטרהו
You lessen him a little than G'd and glory and honour you adorn him.
The human collective, the whole human collective will be nearly like their Creator.

Jews are the chosen people to help the human race realized (real-ized) as the chosen race.

If you read the Bible from Genesis to Malakhi, there is not a single concept of hell (the hell of Christianity and Islam). I mean as long as you read the Bible in Hebrew,

But, in 1st century and then in 7th century, two religions decided to condemn the whole human race by inventing a concept of hell imported from Egyptian, Zoroastrian and eastern religions.

Even today, these two religions are Balaam who follow the instruction of their god Balak to curse the chosen race. When you curse the human race for refusing to bow down to your god, you are following in the ways of Balaam and his master Balak. They bow down to Beelzebub, and then they force Jews to bow down to their idols.


Sunday, May 11, 2014

The manifesto of VIOLENCE

Violence is the divine PLAN of G'd.

Not exactly a plan, but a tool. A tool like the distillation stack of a petroleum refinery.

Humans are violent. It is because of our violence that humankind has survived and percolated to the top of the distillation stack of Evolution. Evolution is the ingenious but cruel plan of our Creator. He will never allow the absence of conflict or of disasters, as that would violate His plan. He will always introduce conditions to induce conflict and envy among us. Peace is a futile effort. He wants us to compete, so that the best would survive to be the collective consciousness who would be His bride, His eternal consort.

His eternal consort is Psalms 8, where the NASB is the correct translation. His eternal spouse is His near equal, just a little lesser. Even if it means AlQ, Taliban, or Westboro Baptist who finally survived this dogfight, they would end up as the ultimate consort of G'd. But G'd is ingenious because Evolution is not just competition, but also adaptation and cooperation. And DIVERSITY.

I have never ceased to be amazed by the ingenuity of G'd by His deploying Evolution, to find His ONE true love.

Good and evil is absolute. Those who believe in the relativity of Good and Evil are mistaken. When a majority of humans say homosexuality is wrong, then it is wrong.

That is why every group believe that their good is the absolute good. Because Good and Evil is defined by our own absolutes. In the Mathematics of the topology of a tree - you can pick any absolute node and make it the absolute root of the tree. You can have more than one process, simultaneously operating on the same tree, each defining their own absolute node as the absolute root of the tree. If you don't believe me, build a tree using flexible threads, and you would notice you could pick up any joint and make it the root joint.

Who will be that group of humans or descendents of humans that would percolate to the top of Evolution in 10 billion years', to emerge as His bride??

Some groups take the shotgun way, believing that they could force G'd to corral compliant, insufficiently evolved humans, thro a messiah-king or ultimate prophet. They believe that is the bride that G'd deserves.

Some believe that we need to question and fight with our Creator, like Jacob, and win.

The trick of surviving to be a member of the collective Bride, is to appear to disagree without killing each other, is to

  • induct as diverse members as possible to appear to be in conflict and yet are actually cooperative. A large group of cooperative that appears to be in extreme conflict to cheat the angels in charge of Evolutionary filtration processes.
  • assume our responsibility to play-god. To create the technologies to overcome disasters and diseases.
  • take over the role of mutating humankind from Evolution. To conquer natural Evolution.
  • define that box rather than play within the box the angels defined for us. We take over their jobs.

Good and Evil is absolute. They are an absolute delusion. Time to look beyond our being trapped by the fruit of Good and Evil.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

The lowly chosen people

Psalm 8 says that the Human race is the Chosen race, because humans are created a little lesser than G'd. Humans are on the path towards asymptotic alignment with G'd:

Jews are the chosen people that G'd commands the task to show that the Human Race is the Chosen Race. Jews are to be a blessing to the world. Jews have been chosen to perform a task nobody else wants to perform - it is not a great and grandiose task but nonetheless an important task of informing what an important task the human race have, Jews have started by giving the world the Sabbath and the 7 day week. Some people say we stole it from the Sumerians, which is not worth disputing.

You have been indoctrinated with all sorts of propaganda. Somehow, your religion have deviated from its important tasks and instead turned back and condescended itself to covet the low status of the menial and basic task of Jews. So what if we delude ourselves into thinking that we have such a glorious task to motivate ourselves?

All we are asking is that miserable tiny strip of worthless dessert land by the mediterranean as the operational HQ.

I am an engineer by profession. In my training and profession, I have encountered the phenomenon of rest states that we have to embed into the dynamic systems we design to provide stability to a system. That has led me to understand why rabbis declare that the Sabbath is the only salvation for the world. Not the messiah, but the Sabbath.

Jews have been chosen to evangelise the gospel of the Sabbath. So much so that even an atheist will find favour in the eyes of G'd when they align themselves to the Sabbath. Should we apologise for issuing self-delusionary doctrines to motivate ourselves (like any other culture would) to perform this chore? But you and the rest of the world should not be equally deluded by being distracted from your more important tasks of collaborating to solve diseases, conflicts and conquer the weather and catastrophes, and colonise the galaxies.

The Sabbath is a means by which humankind could synchronise ourselves, as skeletal framework for the progress of the Chosen Race - the human race. Jews have the lowly menial task of providing the scaffold for you all. This is not a new religion - it is the mathematics of dynamic systems, which Jewish scriptures refer to colloquially.

So what if the janitors of the Universe excite and delude ourselves as motivation? Do you people have to be so mean as to disallow us even such forms of motivation?

Why does your religion seek to convert Jews away and leaving a void in this task? Why meaninglessly covet Jews but not the task of Jews? Why recklessly endanger the future of humankind? Why are you so concerned and bent on sticking your neck into Jewish affairs? Why does your religion covetously say that conversion of Jews would prove the truth of your religion? And because we refuse to convert, you hate us? What for?

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

The messiah and the Sabbath

I try not to believe in a messiah. To me, messiah is not important. I would be a disappointment to many Christians, Muslims and fellow Jews, due to my beliefs. In fact sometimes I question the validity of the messiah due to 1 Samuel 8, implying that reliance on an anointed king, like the pagan nations, who will exploit us and destroy the Jewish people. Pagan cultures around Israel had messianic anointment rituals. We should not want to be subjected to an anointed king like the peoples around us. So despite reciting the Qaddish frequently, to me messiah is of no importance. Instead of "may messiah come quickly", I would think "don't come yet". There is a more important concept a Jew has to abide by.

The human race is the chosen race. Jews are merely the chosen people to expose the primordial framework on which humankind will work on to assemble every member of the Universe into a infinite and massive "chaotic* order - an order that is too complex for current human intelligence. I meant the mathematical concept of Chaos, not the colloquial one.

Maybe I am too indulgent with Kabbalah and yet not knowing enough of it. I believe that our Creator has the human race being groomed to play-god. It is our responsibility to play-god. G'd would be extremely unhappy if we refuse to learn to play-god. To overcome diseases, to control the weather, to tame germs, bacteria and molecules. To conquer the Universe.

In my less than expert playing around with numbers and equations, I notice a framework of rest and quiescent in the dynamic systems around me. I am not attracted to gematria, because it does not make sense to me. The ordering of "Bible code" is also nonsense - it does not survive the random basis subjected by a mathematical perspective.

OTOH, I believe that the Sabbath is the primordial framework. The Sabbath defines the Jew. And one day would ultimately define all humanity. An example is the Jubilee. I do not agree with the general rabbinic decision that Jubilee observance is not necessary. Kondratieff's observations of the repeating massive collapse of the world economy every 60 - 80 years. If we do not observe the Jubilee, the swinging pendulum of the Sabbath will pull us into her tailend turbulence.

Kanban is a mechanism invented by a Toyota engineer, to function as currency to facilitate the smooth flowing of the miniature economy of a factory. Money is but a kanban to facilitate the flow of economies. The value of money needs to be reset every generation, like a kanban reboot. The ideas of tired old men, and women, need to be supplanted by the next generation's. Change every generation - steam power needs to give way to combustion. Combustion needs to give way to electric propulsion, which would one day give way to luminal propulsion. The fallowing of fields, the rotation of crops - such beauty, such elegance. Especially if applied to modern industrial management.

My current obsession is the study the Temple of Yehezkiel. I am believing that the Temple blueprint, the distances and nodes, is a paradigm - a paradigm that is a guide to humankind in our conquest and assembling of the Universe. I seem to be drifting in the direction that if the world understands the paradigm modeled by the Temple blueprint, even Saudi Arabia and Iran would throw money at us urging us quickly build the Temple in Jerusalem as a monument to that paradigm.

I had been deeply involved in fundamentalist Christianity before. I had been trained in rescuing Christians from "cults", though I wasn't very good at it. I was very good in telling people which verses say what but I wasn't very good at expressing them in lay terms. I was so adept at explaining Pauline basis of Romans 5, I dare say church leaders were impressed and urged me to train as assistant pastor.

In short, I had once long ago too believed that Jews had to accept Jesus as god and messiah. In short, I might have to revise on it, but I was trained on all the Bible verses to that persuasion. You can't expect too much from an autistic person like myself. The theology of sacrifice of Jesus and Pauline theory were completely in disagreement with my obsession with understanding the Sabbath.

Salvation by faith alone, and the very idea of Christian salvation did not make sense and is out of sync with my obsession. Those who say that I should not depend on human reasoning, don't be too smirk - I am or at least had been very familiar with the obfuscated human reasoning used to explain many basic Christian theologies. I eventually grew tired of those complex human reasoning - it was more believable listening to the Taoist fairy tale of people tempting the kitchen god with candy to shut his mouth.

Christians not exposed to the deeper end of theology would innocently urge "Just believe". But you can't just believe, because there are moral decisions to be made and you would want to see which scripture constrains your decision and then there you go into the bottomless pit of Christian theological application of human reasoning. Convoluted and obfuscated, compared to the elegance and beauty of the Sabbath framework. Christianity has effectively retired the relevance of Leviticus and Deuteronomy except when convenient to their life-styles to pick one or two verses out. It is also terribly annoying to an autistic person obsessed with the Hebrew Bible, when someone tries to convince her using the KJV, NASB or NIV.

My obsession would expose my lack of understanding of the Talmud, Midrash and Halakha. After all, I am not expected to understand them. Personally, I feel there are sufficient number of medieval decisions needing to be updated. Like mixing of chicken meat with dairy. And rabbis would say it is dangerous to study Kabbalah without a firm foot on the Talmud. OK, I guess I have crossed that threshold. Anyway that holds true only for men. Also, for the little exposure I've had, I find understanding the Talmud requires your mind to work like a lawyer and not a scientist - quite difficult for me. I am not against the Talmud, but I would need a good teacher to understand its decisions. And I don't have the time or necessity.

I am hoping to grasp the architectural implications of the Temple and that it would justify my belief that the Sabbath is the only path of salvation for humankind.